Privacy Policy

Here is the French translation of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for :

Ownership and Rights Reserved

This site and its contents are the exclusive property of All rights reserved.

User Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. It is’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect on our site and on other sites that we own and operate.

We ask for personal information only when it is truly necessary to provide you with a service. We do this by fair and lawful means and with your knowledge and consent. We also inform you why we collect it and how it will be used.

We keep the information collected only for as long as necessary to provide you with the requested service. When we store data, we will protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss, theft, and unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.

We do not share personally identifiable information about you publicly or with third parties, except as required by law.

User Consent


IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, OR ANY PART OF THEM, YOU MUST NOT ACCESS THIS SITE OR CONSUME ITS CONTENT. may, at its sole discretion, modify the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this site without prior notice. Significant changes will be notified in advance by posting them on our site.

Tolerance of the violation of any obligation provided for in the Terms of Use and in the Privacy Policy of the site will not imply the waiver of the right to demand the execution of the obligation, nor the modification of any term or condition established herein.


These Terms of Use apply to all pages hosted on this site. They do not include and do not apply to pages contained in the sites of other companies that may have a link or reference on our site.

The valid and effective version of these Terms of Use is the one currently published on the site. This version governs all past and present relationships between users of the site, respecting acquired rights, perfect legal acts and the authority of res judicata. The user must read these terms of use carefully and will not be able to excuse themselves by alleging ignorance of their terms, including possible modifications.

Various services and contents offered by the site may be subject to specific terms of use or not, being the latter valid. These terms of use may include, supplement or modify the present ones.

Use of the site and its contents

You agree to use the site only in a manner compatible with all applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with these Terms and our Privacy Policy, without infringing the rights of others, or restricting or inhibiting the use and enjoyment of the site (including, without exception, through hacking, reverse engineering, unauthorized downloads, etc.).

You may not employ technical mechanisms that, in any way, subvert the use of the site without first consulting the site managers. These mechanisms include the use of robots (robots or bots), spiders, scripts or any other form of automated access to the site that, in any way, distorts its purposes and objectives.

The use of these resources without prior authorization implies a violation of these Terms of Use and subjects the infringing party to the payment of damages and lost profits, as well as a punitive fine that will be applied even if there has been no damage.

You may not carry out acts that could be classified as spam. In addition, no data on the site may be used for advertising purposes, direct or indirect, or for any other commercial purpose, without the prior request and consent of You must refrain from using any space granted by for the publication of messages similar to spam, including the publication of links and other information in spaces open to comments and discussion forums, among others.

You may not collect third-party data through the site, for commercial, advertising or other purposes other than those of the regular and normal interaction offered by Violations of these determinations subject the infringing party to be liable to for lost profits and damages, in addition to also being liable for the payment of a punitive fine, regardless of the finding of damages.

Intellectual Property

All rights relating to this site are reserved to, including its texts, images, recordings and any other content. All brands presented on this site are the property of or associated companies, affiliates, suppliers or refer to products for which we have the appropriate license for their representation. The misuse of any content or brand presented on this site is expressly prohibited.

You must respect all applicable copyright and other rights, including intellectual property rights, applicable to the contents. Each work or content present on must be governed by its own applicable terms, it is your sole responsibility to take all necessary measures to comply with the applicable rights and obligations.

You must not reproduce, use, copy, distribute, allow public access, make available to the public, transform or modify in any way the contents of, unless you have the prior authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights, or such use is legitimate, legally or contractually authorized and/or otherwise permitted.

You must fully respect the authorizations you receive for the use of any content of, not being able to remove or alter any copyright notice or copyright, nor falsely apply any copyright notice or copyright, or mislead third parties through a false license of protected works, or any other form of violation of rights.

The user who sends any content or participates in any activity related to guarantees and certifies that it does not infringe any legal, contractual or third-party rights, or any other rights. To send content to the site, it is mandatory that the user is the legitimate owner of the rights to said content, being exclusively and totally responsible for sending, publishing and making available the content, in any capacity and in any way.

No copy, distribution, exhibition or disclosure of the site should be understood as a restriction or waiver of the rights of on the site, its content or the brands disclosed on it.

User Registration and Accuracy of Information

Access to the content available on and to certain services on its site may not require prior registration or user registration. Other content available on, in order to be accessed, requires the user to register by providing certain data. This data is governed by our privacy policy.

All information provided by the user to access the site of and its services and contents must be truthful. The user guarantees the authenticity of all data he communicates by filling out the available forms. It is the sole responsibility of the user to keep any information provided to continuously updated so that it always reflects the user’s real data.

The provision of false or inaccurate statements constitutes a violation of these terms of use, as well as the revocation of the license to use the site of In any case, the user will always be the sole and exclusive responsible for his conduct and the damages he causes within the framework of, both to himself and to third parties.

Minors must obtain prior authorization from their parents, guardians or legal representatives to access, who will be considered responsible for all acts carried out by minors. Parents, guardians or legal representatives will also be fully responsible in the event of access to by minors without the required prior authorization. They are fully responsible for monitoring the activities and conduct of minors under their guardianship.

Limitation of Liability

Any user who accesses the site is exclusively responsible for its use and navigation, and must comply with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this site, as well as applicable legislation., its affiliates, partners or collaborators will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from, or related to, access, use or inability to access or use this site.